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Ferreting is an ideal way to harness pest control and catch those pesky rabbits.

It is one of those activities which can be as simple or as complex as you wish it to be, but to begin with we’ll start with a list of basic equipment:

  • A ferret/ferrets (Bred from working ferrets is best for productivity)
  • Spacious housing
  • Food
  • Purse nets/Long nets
  • Ferret locator
  • Spade
  • Ferret carrying box

Ferrets – Everyone has differing views on what makes a good ferret, some prefer hobs others prefer Jills, but either should always be well handled. A ferret doesn’t need to be aggressive in order to do a good job, it just needs to be well socialised and from proven working stock.

Spacious housing – Ferrets are renowned for escaping, so make sure your ferret accommodation is spacious but strong. Well exercised ferrets are happy ferrets.

Food – Our Ferret Feast food is the perfect choice of food for your ferret as it contains a mixture of both protein and vitamins and minerals that are essential for keeping your pet happy and healthy. Read more about our Ferret Feast here.

Nets – Nets are key to catching the rabbits once they have bolted from the warren. There are many available instructions on how to make your own purse net, or you can simply buy them from a reputable net-maker.

Ferret locator – A ferret locator or a ferret finder is a tracking device which attaches to the ferrets neck. This makes sure you don’t lose your ferret when it finds a rabbit hole. It’s good to practice using the locator before you go hunting as well as the responsible actions of using one when required..

Spade – A well designed spade such as The Bulldog Rabbiting Spade, will help you to dig your ferret out if/when required.

These are your essential tools needed to start ferreting.

For any further advice on ferrets or ferreting, or phone us on +44 (0)844 800 2234, we’ll be happy to help.